Pink petals passing
Scents above so high
Painted porcelain perfection
Blossoms caress the sky
Swaying silent shroud
Suitors strolling by
Pink petals passing
Lover's gentle sigh
The garden is being littered with cherry blossom confetti at the moment. Last week the lawn was white and with the breeze it was reminiscent of the snow storms earlier in the year, and this week a beautiful pink.
The rest of the garden is a bluey/pinky/mauve with lots of honesty, geranium phaeum and lilacs blooming. I have pulled up literally hundreds of blooming honesty and geranium phaeum this week, as they grow like weeds and take the space of more gentle plants, so my council composting wheelie bin was absolutely full of them this week. I brought some honesty flowers in, but the scent was too overpoweringly cloying and I had to throw them out. Same with the lilac, the scent indoors is too powerful, I do prefer my flowers in the garden. I always let the honesty and mourning widows geranium bloom before pulling them as sometimes a nice variation springs up. This year I have a very nice dark carmine red honesty which I will allow to seed and see if it comes true next time. The photo doesnt show its very deep dark red and looks rather washed out pink, but it is definitely nicer than the usual that seeds itself madly.
The original came from my childhood garden so it always reminds me of happier days. My self sown larkspurs are growing madly this year... I dare not pull a single one, as they are one of my favourites, also from our old family home. I have bought several named varieties over the years, but none touches my heart as the beautiful blue of my old originals. Tomorrow is the 7th anniversary of the worse day of my life, Kates accident. I shouldnt ponder on it as she is happy and found a lovely new boyfriend albeit a long distance one again (Luke is from Hull, we are in Kent....)
Flowering this week 2-9th May 2010 in my garden
minature narcissus, muscari
arabis, alyssum saxatile. lychnis alpina, iberis
various aquilegias,white,mauve and yellow flag iris
euphorbia,honesty,geranium phaeum,pink geranium macrorrhizum, centaura montana, bleeding hearts, calendular,bluebells,lily of the valley,various clematis, veronica gentianodes, french lavender
lilac,rosemary,black viola,violets, wisteria,all my soft fruits, vinca major and minor,kerria,viburnum tinus, and fremontedendrom about to burst its first yellow waxy buds of the year even though Ive moved it three times in the winter! Happy gardening x
Hello dear Betty - your garden sounds divine. I wish I was closer so I could come and pinch some plants! I will be thinking of you and Kate tomorrow. Yesterday afternoon I was on my way to court and saw an old lady flat out in the road. She was with her husband and had slipped off the kerb. I helped, wrapped her up, sat and held her hand (for over an hour)and tried to joke with her about the nice male ambulance crew. Her husband called today, Thelma has broken her right wrist and right hip (having broken her left wrist not many weeks ago). I realise that this was nothing compared to what happened to your darling daughter, but it is incredible how a few short seconds can change a life, sometimes for
What a kind person you Helen, I would have done the same-oh the joys of getting old and falling over!
You must let me know what plants you want and i can post you some in the autumn Helen-I will be posting photos of all my plants week by week as Kate has given me her old expensive camera and I am getting the hang of it now! I havent forgotten that i owe you a gift either! love betty xx
Oh - you really don't have to do that! I have been trying to concentrate on structure and evergreens and I'm envious of gardens billowing with flowers. It is a good job that I don't live closer, I would be spending more time in your garden than in mine!xxx
Ive been here 28 or 29 years now, and there was nothing but three huge piles of dirt when I moved in! About 4 years ago we chopped down 25 years of established shrubs, bit frightening,but the garden has recovered and is now looking full and mature again. My garden is my refuge against the world, even more so now than ever, hence my little summerhouse, it will be a winterhouse too for me!
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