Well today is the 2nd of June and it is a beautiful day here in southern England. Yesterday wasnt so good, rain the whole day long, but the garden needed it(but not the slugs and snails it bought out!)Snails have left alone my lettuce and devastated instead my lovely poppy somniferum Swansdown which I loved so much in the garden last year. The snow and cold earlier in the year killed off the self sown seedlings which would have been blooming now,and snails have just adored their succulent leaves and have eaten the one patch that I wanted to be blooming soon behind my roses Madame Hardy,Heritage and Fantin Latour. But obviously the snails know this and so have eaten them all, and their replacements I put in pots covered with gravel....Amazingly 15 feet away they have left all the sowings, so I have potted on some of these, put in the greenhouse and will plant out when large enough not to be eaten! I dont use chemicals in my garden, and water in the morning rather than at night, and the snails seem worse this year than ever before. I am going to try a few remedies I have found on the internet - human hair and dry porridge oats and as snails dont like copper, I thought about putting all my spare pennies and 2p around the poppies and see if this will work!
The garden is beginning to come alive and blooming the week beginning 1st of June 2010 are:-
Roses Constance Spry,Desprez a Fleur Jaune,several Iceberg,The New Dawn,Pink Perpete,Zephrine Drouhin,Reine des Violettes,Gertrude Jekyll,Madame Gregoire Stachelin, with lots more roses about to burst into bloom.
lychnis alpina, iberis
various aquilegias,white,mauve and yellow flag iris
euphorbia,honesty,geranium phaeum,pink geranium macrorrhizum,geranium Johnsons blue, geranium wargrave pink, centaura montana, bleeding hearts, calendular,bluebells,lily of the valley,various clematis, veronica gentianodes, french lavender,feverfew,cerastium tomentosum(snow in summer),polemonium caeruleum(jacobs ladder) Hesperis matronalis (sweet rocket)
pink and white oxalis rosemary,black viola,violets, various allium, foxgloves,love in a mist,
shrubs and climbers various clematis, wisteria ,kerria,viburnum tinus, and fremontedendrom
the lovely Desprez a Fleur Jaune en masse
details of this lovely climbing tea noisette here
and close up
the glorious Constance Spry bred by David Austin in 1961, and although only once flowering,the blooms last a long time and spread over several weeks, which I grow as a climber behind a Jack and Jill bench, where the scent is just heavenly.
The beautifully old rose scent of another David Austin rose bred in 1986 Gertrude Jekyll, which is growing over an arch leading from the path onto the lawn, the arch is at an alarming angle under the weight of Gertrude at the moment, and I just hate cutting her back!
A wooden arch will definitely have to be built before next summer (arch is to the right of Max my German Shepherd) Here he is trying to catch bees on the Phlomis Fruticos, Jerusalem Sage. The Phlomis Italica I bought a couple of weeks ago from Steve Law of Brighton Plants has flower buds appearing and I just cant wait to see the lovely pink blooms (a plant which I have wanted for ages and ages!) Zephrine Drouhin, a Bourbon climber bred in 1868 by Bizot climbs over another arch.It is a thornless rose and I have moved her so many times over the years, at last she has found a place she loves and is doing very well this year.
the very beautiful Madame Gregoire Stachelin blooms are still dripping from the Potager Pergola along with the last of the wisteria for this year. It was purely accidental I placed these together and they are a lovely sight at this time of the year, and the scent as I walk through the pergola on the way to the greenhouse is heavenly! Although she also only blooms once, each individual rose lasts a long time and there are still lots of buds to come.
Daughter Kates lovely boyfriend Luke took some lovely photos of the garden and pets last week = he has made Max look very noble. All photos below and the header one of Max are Lukes work. Thank you Luke!
You have many beautiful things blooming. Your pets are lovely. What does your dog do if he catches a bee? Our cat likes to eat dragonflies and then get sick. (We don't know why he doesn't learn. He he.)
Good Morning Diane, Max has learnt his lesson and just nudges the bees with his nose now! He also tries to catch all the birds in the garden with no sucess.Two families of crows and magpies which nest in my fathers next door garden tease him terribly! Stimpy the cat has been known to eat flies and a spider or three!
A friend brought me Desprez a Fleur Jeane a couple of weeks ago. He said that I must have it, and I agree. There's just something about those beautiful tea noisettes.
Max is a very beautiful boy! I love having dogs in the garden.
It is a very lovely rose Connie, and is supposedly tender here in England,but we had the most severe winter for 30 years and it didnt lose a leaf. I do have it on a south facing wall and this year it has made a beautiful start.My Max is my baby - Damon and Kate say I love him more than them, but I tell them I love you all the same! He is a very good boy and only does his jobs on the gravel at the top of the garden and has never spoiled the garden - hes definitley a mummys boy!
Betty - thanks for your note on my blog. Incidentally, I've had about eight peonies altogether, so I'm no expert, but I find some bloom the first year (like the 'Bowl of Beauty' did for me but most bloom the second (third at the latest).
Planting them so that the part where the stem meets the roots (the crown) no less than one inch below ground is of the utmost importantance.
I've done them too deep and had to just dig them up and plant them again.
So beautiful blog and pictures.
Special thanks for posting pictures about 'Souvenir du Docteur Jamain'.
I love climbers^^
Have a beautiful night!
la Zia Artemisia
I am so glad I found your blog. I love roses too. Your roses look so wonderful, I am having such a great time looking through your pictures.
I am very sorry for your recent sad news. I hope your garden will give you much joy in the new year.
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